The last time in the matrix:
Our wonderful model Dae Joon and me!
And another cool sow:
The pictures are from the love of Bjorn Photography Art .
1) When you were last at the hairdresser?
- I believe in February of this year ... to my bangs, I am always self klümmere :)
2) You put makeup on you?
- yes
3) Do you wear skirts?
- yes, very happy
4) What do you wear at night?
- shirt or even nothing
5) What size shoe do you have?
- 37
6) How many pairs of shoes do you own (approximately)?
- at the moment so the 90 pairs
7) Do you have a tattoo or a piercing?
- both
8) When you were last at the dentist?
- about 2 months
9) Who did you last phone call and how long did it take?
- Mario, on business, two minutes
10) Is there a Soap-Opera/Serie that you look regularly?
- Criminal Intent
11) Have you ever been on TV?
- yes
12) What You watch sports watch on TV?
- no
13) Do you have a phobia?
- yes, spiders! And tightness!
14) Have you ever wanted, be a man?
- no
16) Where do you spend more time in front of the PC or TV?
- PC
17th) When you were last in the disco?
- last Monday (Easter)
18) What animals you do not like at all?
- spiders, and others with more than 4 legs
19th) If you had to emigrate now, where would you go?
- Switzerland
20) You're sitting still in school again?
- no
21) were subject to what are / You are the worse off?
- French, Latin
22) In what particular?
- mathematics, biology, art
23) How many Languages do you speak?
- German, English is
24) Which language would you like to learn?
- Japanese
25) Do you read your horoscope in magazines?
- no
26) You have mastered a musical instrument?
- yes, dancing piano
27) Can you?
- yes
28) What do you do at night when you can not sleep?
- read and think
29) Do you have a favorite board game? What?
- maybe lady or mill
30) Where did your most far most vacation?
- Gran Canaria
31) When were you last at a concert?
- Last Monday
32) What CD did you last buy?
- do not remember
33) Have you already reported sick at work, because you simply did not want to?
- no
34) Have you ever done nude?
- yes
35) Have you ever done bungee jumping or sky diving?
- no
36th) What are driving two-wheeler you?
- my very first ladies bike (if it is still traveling, long habs not tested)
37) When did you last cleaned the window?
- do not remember, in the studio two weeks ago, the glass doors
38) When was the last ironed clothes?
- Iron'm in the studio almost every day, so never
39th at home) When you had the latest row with your partner because of the TV program?
not - we can not, can always some
40th) Kissed you love your partner every day?
- yes
41) If you open the mail, addressed to your partner?
- no
42) Will you be loud when you argue?
- unfortunately something, but never too loud, is embarrassed
43) Have you ever been a blind date?
- no
44) Have you ever been to a married man love?
- no
45) What was your first car?
- yet none possessed
46) You're rattled by the driver's license test again?
- no
47) Where does the fuel gauge so you fill up your cars are going?
- where should I go once (which is not too often), I rather do it in time
48) Have you ever driven a car for scrap?
- no
49) Why have you participated in this survey?
- get rid of morning tiredness