Friday, December 25, 2009

What Do Men Think Of Female Genatile Peircing

X-mas post :)



Did not give a damn about christmas eve yesterday. Kinda weird. No holiday spirit whatsoever on my side. My inner clock says it's autumn anyway so, whatever! XD
Last few days were stressful as hell. >.< Am too lazy to explain why or how, but well. I'm glad it's the 25th today! Mainly because I'm on vacation till the 11th Jan and weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, leaving for [info] ai_chi on the 27th! ^____^

Btw! I am so jealous of my brother. .____. My parents and granddad got him a coupon for tandem skydiving! *___* But, well. He is not the one who's doing LASER TAG sometime next week. : DDD * glee *

Monday, December 14, 2009

Bluetooth Dongle Vista

randomness inspired by lernüberschuss ;_;

Oh yes. I love my physiology notes ... "muscle cells via gap junctions are connected to each other (is => AP blatantly passed quickly, dude!)"
is read but funny, but it keeps me from learn from, because I must think about why the hell I was so strange in a good mood in the Physio-hour. XD;;; And I actually had to really learn a lot! T____T

Other random thingy oO
My class is synchronous lazy. o__o I came clean with NEM bad conscience from the weekend because I had not learned for tomorrow's physiology exam. But I was not alone! I've now found anyone who has done it more than it is to arrange. XD;;;;

Random thingy numba 3! The want to read it maybe ned, because * I * started murmmel ne survey had to and that the majority had spoken out against murmmel * *.
Aka ... I think yesterday Gymnastics competition ... and have become a third. ^__________^ And I'm also almost anything hurt? : D (I make my only overload pain are tomorrow off, so check ned so reproachful XD;; * Cup * Cuddly:! 3)

back * to bed to sip learn *

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Mouth Herpes On The Genetalia

myia_flauschi @ 2009-12-06T14:17:00

Mööh did, yesterday most of the day spent in bed ... or auf'm BaTHROOM FLOOR. XD;;;
I had since long time rather violent "women's problems". That was so pronounced that my mom took me several times asking if we are not now but to nem doctor immediately or so to - after I could not move, I could not and would not do that. XD;; Gotta love pain meds! ♥> _>

also! : DDDDDDD New Super Mario Bros Wii = TEH LOVE OF DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM! ^______________^ It is so beautiful retro and old school! \u0026lt;3333 The presentation is so awesome, the enemies are a known and they piss themselves all the time and aaaaaaaaaaw. \u0026lt;3 I'm in love mebbe? * Giggle *: 3
But it is hard shit, if mans for two plays. XD;;; You stand in the way all the time! But it's so fun! *____*

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Second Opinion Vascular Dementia

Dear Santa, for Xmas I want you to make some decisions for me

So I originally planned to compete at a meet (Gaumeisterschaften) on the 13th of december, but as it turns out there are no chances in hell, that I can fulfill all of the compulsories. So naturally I decided not to do it - why bother embarassing myself like woha and place last?
But today at another meet I was told that none of the competitors are able to meet the requirements and I was encouraged to participate.
And now I don't know what to do. :/
I mean I wanna compete, just for the sake of competing again! But I don't know. Floor and beam shouldn't be the problem. Vault shouldn't either. But bars would kill me. XD On second thought beam wouldn't be that great either, but well. XD;; I don't knooow. :/

Also! What about my back? I mean it's pretty much fine right now, but that competition would mean stress. Not physical but mental, cause I always get worked up about this shit. XD
I don't want my back to get worse again. Hm. But right now I really really wanna do this. What I even want more is for someone to go there with me to root for me xD

For the Silvester-crew (o_O):
As for me wanting anything for christmas etc... I honestly don't know what I want. XD;;; I'm considering some season of Queer as Folk or the last Scrubs one. If I had space to hang something in my room I'd love a calendar but well... not gonna happen. ;_; I can't even think of a game I'd want (except the one I'll give my brother as a christmas gift XD;;;). SO yeah. Still thinking okay? >_

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Plans Water Dunking Machine

Want some cheese with my whine? :D

Remember me whining about my pinched nerve or something?
Yes? So it isn't a pinched nerve. Feel free to congratulate me on my stress induced pseudo herniated disc/prolapsed disc (Bandscheibenvorfall)! Pseudo - as you can imagine - because I don't actually have a herniated disc. Boy, would it suck if I actually did. o___o A herniated disc at the young age of 20/21, boy, I'd be about to drop dead from osteoperosis and abrasion! XD;
Anyway my illness in a nutshell? I do have the symptoms of a herniated disc, because of 'major stress' I probably have right now my nerves are stressed too or just really really confused and make my spinal cord believe that a disc is about to slip and yeah. o.O Really funny thing is that in the last month I felt really 'relaxed' and finally stress-free. xD
Fun, innit? >.< Especially because my lower back starts screaming at me as soon as I move a teeny tiny bit, but I am supposed to move, so the tension in my muscles can be released so that my nerves aren't stimulated anymore and my spinal cords finally gets that I'm actually very healthy. >_>
My body sucks ass. .___. I even fail at being sick!! XDDD

Off to study! Was just here to whine, as always. XD;

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Preschool Consultant Job Description

Ja ne, is klar, Schätzelein!

Can be good, that I am the last to discover this, but I awesome finds. XDDD

Monday, November 2, 2009

Where To Buy Flavor Twists Cheddar Ranch Flavor

luzifurie @ 2009-11-02T10: 13:00

We had a great Halloween!

My Sweet and me!


Black Sonja & ChiChi

Black Sonja

Los muertos y Nika Serge.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Uterine Adenomyosis And Mirena

Arg - 14 weeks! Old people vs.

I have not updated, my live journal just said - what crap.

This here reminds me of the total Danzigsong "thirteen" in the cover version of Johnny Cash - something like my idea of a small 13 before somehow.
song at Youtube

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Milena Velbabody Cast

. MC Hammer

Ionic Breeze Gp Won't Turn On

but after a presentation