Sunday, November 29, 2009

Second Opinion Vascular Dementia

Dear Santa, for Xmas I want you to make some decisions for me

So I originally planned to compete at a meet (Gaumeisterschaften) on the 13th of december, but as it turns out there are no chances in hell, that I can fulfill all of the compulsories. So naturally I decided not to do it - why bother embarassing myself like woha and place last?
But today at another meet I was told that none of the competitors are able to meet the requirements and I was encouraged to participate.
And now I don't know what to do. :/
I mean I wanna compete, just for the sake of competing again! But I don't know. Floor and beam shouldn't be the problem. Vault shouldn't either. But bars would kill me. XD On second thought beam wouldn't be that great either, but well. XD;; I don't knooow. :/

Also! What about my back? I mean it's pretty much fine right now, but that competition would mean stress. Not physical but mental, cause I always get worked up about this shit. XD
I don't want my back to get worse again. Hm. But right now I really really wanna do this. What I even want more is for someone to go there with me to root for me xD

For the Silvester-crew (o_O):
As for me wanting anything for christmas etc... I honestly don't know what I want. XD;;; I'm considering some season of Queer as Folk or the last Scrubs one. If I had space to hang something in my room I'd love a calendar but well... not gonna happen. ;_; I can't even think of a game I'd want (except the one I'll give my brother as a christmas gift XD;;;). SO yeah. Still thinking okay? >_

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Plans Water Dunking Machine

Want some cheese with my whine? :D

Remember me whining about my pinched nerve or something?
Yes? So it isn't a pinched nerve. Feel free to congratulate me on my stress induced pseudo herniated disc/prolapsed disc (Bandscheibenvorfall)! Pseudo - as you can imagine - because I don't actually have a herniated disc. Boy, would it suck if I actually did. o___o A herniated disc at the young age of 20/21, boy, I'd be about to drop dead from osteoperosis and abrasion! XD;
Anyway my illness in a nutshell? I do have the symptoms of a herniated disc, because of 'major stress' I probably have right now my nerves are stressed too or just really really confused and make my spinal cord believe that a disc is about to slip and yeah. o.O Really funny thing is that in the last month I felt really 'relaxed' and finally stress-free. xD
Fun, innit? >.< Especially because my lower back starts screaming at me as soon as I move a teeny tiny bit, but I am supposed to move, so the tension in my muscles can be released so that my nerves aren't stimulated anymore and my spinal cords finally gets that I'm actually very healthy. >_>
My body sucks ass. .___. I even fail at being sick!! XDDD

Off to study! Was just here to whine, as always. XD;

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Preschool Consultant Job Description

Ja ne, is klar, Schätzelein!

Can be good, that I am the last to discover this, but I awesome finds. XDDD

Monday, November 2, 2009

Where To Buy Flavor Twists Cheddar Ranch Flavor

luzifurie @ 2009-11-02T10: 13:00

We had a great Halloween!

My Sweet and me!


Black Sonja & ChiChi

Black Sonja

Los muertos y Nika Serge.