Thursday, February 24, 2011

How To Become An Owner Car Designer

Lifehouse - From Where You Are

Für Matthias :(

So far away from where you are
These miles have torn us worlds apart
And I miss you, yeah, I miss you

So far away from where you are
I'm standing underneath the stars
And I wish you were here...

I miss the years that were erased
I miss the way the sunshine would light up your face
I miss all the little things
I never thought that they'd mean everything to me
Yeah I miss you
And I wish you were here

I feel the beating of your heart
I see the shadows of your face
Just know that wherever you are
that I miss you
And I wish you were here...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Free Single Seat Sand Rail Plans

The reason I don't want to be a mum...

"And you want to know what you say to a woman who's in that kind of pain? You say," One more, Jackie. One more and you're gonna see that baby. One more and you're gonna have a beautiful baby ... boy I know it hurts I know it does But one give me more, Jackie -.. and you get a baby "That's how you get a woman to tear her own body apart You promise her a baby You make a promise. and she hurts herself because she trusts you. "

- Grey's Anatomy

What's all terrible:
the trail (it says so?) .. Well the area between vagina and anus tears;)
And all wear out. (That is also in the future less pleasure during sex).

The belly is riiiiesig,
tears the skin in many places.
During pregnancy, you feel monstrous (one is also yes).
Man fights with depression, even after that.
It has back problems, flat feet.
Breasts are limp and hanging.

And you always have to pay on its weight.

Yes and if it is there, you have much less time for yourself
You can no longer be as spontaneous. No evenings where you just as starting times, no shopping, because you have to do grad

budget must not be neglected.

Everything is more expensive. They have less money.

And then they are also extremely stressful and chaotic.

What is on the opposite side:

you give your own name on
it allows a character's life and teaches him everything you know yourself.
can this learning experience.

are all but .. more things to the child benefit and if you're unlucky, it is
an asshole and not even grateful for it;)
Then you have done wrong but what I think ..

And the only thing that is good for you is that maybe you can be proud on it. And
feel about love and receive.

it worthwhile? For some already .. NOT for me!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Justflight Airhauler Money Cheat


OMG .. 've just seen how someone looks Skins Season 5, now I want to observe 0.0

Skiiiins. However, it is strange to be confronted with new charas. The change that is always completely every two seasons. So no more Freddie, no Effy.

I hope Effys actress Katniss is Everdeen. :) If you ever noticed that you're in a series in business much easier to become famous? How quickly now, the people of Glee with stars who have their whole life to her career working on a stage stand.

is however to be there also easily bound forever in a series to find a character and then nothing else. So always Series, become famous and then rotate movies;)
How does, for example, Maggie Grace is my favorite. Uh, am looking forward to be on her vampire.

I need more pictures for the Shannon and Damon Story, and a title * think * Shamon, Dannon? Sounds like both ^ ^

This looks all right but as Vampy from ^ ^ Or this

And we need more storyline, which is for now out of Shannon. Is it good, bad? Hm, I must post in our story review. Why

Vampire Diaries have the people actually at that time for Ian Somerhalder. I'm indeed very happy when I learn that he again has a role. But at least Ian is already over 30! And the guys are to represent teens, Paul can buy the little more than Ian. Ian has now just looks so old.

In the age of LOST he would have been appropriate because he was younger and crisp, NEN had pretty short hair.

Yes, and now he has deep wrinkles around the eyes, you see often the scars on his cheeks.

so I doubt whether he was the right choice for the role of Damon. Sure, we now identify with Ian Damon. The half-crooked grin, the narrowed eyes, the cold humor. But ... when I think about how the series goes on the run really really long, like Smallville, for example, because people will actually cast young. Tom Welling was still determined under 18 when he started and now he is in Ian's age at the 10th Season.

Now if you change the looks of Tom, and his role. Unbelievable. I also think that they had insane luck with the actor, as has uncanny talent and good looks. And that has not changed over the years. If ever, he is mature / become male. Yes
and its role is thus more credible. The Vampire Diaries

would perhaps have done well to cast even one who is actually only 18th There must be enough pretty young actors out there, which would be falling over to play such a role.

So have taken the easy way out and choose someone who had already experienced and known. Virtually the cowardly way out. Who knows, maybe we would have now a much wilder Damon. Perhaps the series would
flopped but also, so I'm rather grateful for what I have. Did it just get rid times ;)

Monday, January 31, 2011

Nike Forearm Shievers


Allright.. I might be a bit philosophical today because I lay in bed and and I stared at my finger where I have this scar.

"funny thing about scars. They're always there. Doesn't mean they haven't healed..

It happened when I was in the fifth or sixth grade, I was about 12. And we had a subject called "handicraft". Everybody had to bring a carpet knife and everybody brought these yellow or red plastic things were you could push the blade higher and break the blade off so that the new blade was sharper..
However my mum gave me this small and silver carpet knife and she told me to be extra careful with it, 'cause it was very sharp. It looked very different from the others, simply because it was more expensive, I think.

On my way home my FRIENDS made fun of me. They claimed that I didn't bring a carpet knife and they annoyed me so much I couldn't take it anymore, I took the knife out and showed them and I accidentally cut myself with it.

I bled so much, gladly I was only a street away from home and I ran there, crying and bleeding..
I still wear this scar and I wonder what it means to me?

Maybe I never really had friends?
What exactly is a friend?

A "friend" of mine once told me that there is nothing like real friendship, only "purpose-relationships" (Zweckbeziehungen). People get together because they need something from another and if that purpose is gone the friendship gets lost as well..

Maybe he is right, I never really could find arguments against it.

Friday, January 28, 2011

How To Wash Chenille Throw

bring a little color to my life

Ever since my "Trudy" phase with.. I don't know 15-16 maybe or younger(?) I've missed the hair colour purple on me.

They called me "milka" and "lila Pause" back then.. it was meant to hurt but I loved the hair colour so much, I didn't care. I even thought it was cool, that I was special.

Well I am special, even when I'm blonde ;)
And I'm very happy with my blonde hair. It suits me best, I would never change it again.

However I wouldn't write this entry if I hadn't changed anything. So today I finally had the guts to try something out. I coloured strands of my hair. It'll wash out in a few days though, so no worries ^ ^ I'll be back to plain blonde in a few days.


please notice that I am still learning while doing the other senseless stuff like taking pictures of my hair ^ ^




Thursday, January 20, 2011

Beaver Waxing Uncensored

Die rassistische Oma

Actually, she's worth no entry, but I will not deny the story.

Tuesday I was sitting on the train home I was exhausted and was on the train quite a bit of dozing in front of me. This can be thought of like I was sitting sideways on my knees the seat upholstery were and I had put her feet on the back.

As I said, I WANTED TO dozing in front of me, but there has annoyed all the time so ne-old woman who has spoken with her newspaper-reading man who has been listening to her anyway. If you have a little annoyed at the "Hmm" "Yes." Pinned. "Oh .. I can not sit here, I can not even stretch my legs, I sit behind the times up. .... Oh, now I see you no more .. Do you really my glasses? No. . Oh, now I've had two and now I've forgotten BOTH home. Hmmmm .. (blablabla).

I tried to hide the gibberish when I suddenly anschwatzen both!
"This is part but not change. The fact that you put the shoes on the back. Then the people set to go with their good clothes and do the dirty. Who knows where you are long gone before "
I think. Waaarum her babbles at me
But I'm cute I say OK, nod guess and down the shoes

Hm, not a thing if they do not?.. . would have talked more, "This is really not" And then the chorus: "We live here, finally, in a civilized country." And then so proposals were put under it, such as newspaper or shoes off (as if that were not disgusting o.0) . So sometime's has served me and I once noted: You know what, you use your back but not
. Both are equal rumgerückt in the seat and you said, however, depending on how I want.
If you use the back you have to WANT the way, totally opposed to the side is so completely uncomfortable, so too does the no.

However, I just grinned and thought my part.

Now comes the best.

He read at some point his wife a headline any newspaper before, perhaps the image or something. In the stand that some criminals are probably released because the prison is closed. Then began the racists
Grandma suddenly. "Something like they had just gassed earlier.'s'd Better. Solln Then the se but just shoot them. "

Add to saying" some people should keep their opinions better for themselves. "began to really get going." Rec marketplace, we should shoot them and. "" What do you mean when the the public choice is how many people would be it. "" In America, they still have the death penalty. "

The guy has been somewhat more restrained, which could be even say that people probably belong behind bars, but not killed. The fact that there are at least mental illnesses that can be treated - it> is not equal to every murderer lost, especially since murders happen from emotion, which nevertheless may not come away with it and why sit in jail. And not all of which sit behind bars, this sit for murder!

Once I got to tell her how it's better if they would like to kill so many people? It would be for me then even a murderer and should be shot.
Whereupon they've insulted me that I do not ticking right and what is being taught to the youth of today. They would only nachschwatzen yes and no longer think. : D Yes

and the argument that you finally "normal" and would this mass murderer, it would not come too.

Perhaps I should say to her that "Then" and people like them were gassed in heaps. And she now has no benefit for society as a pensioner. Why do they love the company to not even shoot?

So .. yes. That was the racist grandmother.

Baby Papoose Knitted Patterns

hermione87 @ 2011-01-20T09:59:00

Hello dear diary,

this week was a nightmare. For so many reasons ...

first I got my tongue inflamed, hinkriegt no idea how something like that. But it hurts like hell. One thing I tell you, I will never again underestimate the many tasks of the tongue. It makes so much without taking it true, but if it hurts, then you must make an effort in everything. Swallow, chew, spit, eat, drink ...
I got the last Days ate only mice bites and so slow that I had for a time making love - still hungry, but easy to eat no more strength. I also have constant little drunk, because I could not stand the pain when swallowing simple. Whenever liquid on the inflamed site was - hell pain!
Even if something is about food slipped under the tongue, it was almost impossible to get the back out.
And if you go permanent, so now the last Saturday - Thursday, those in pain, then you really bad mood. And just annoys everyone and every one.

Especially if you - because you drink too little - still has headaches and by the way ne little cold, Colds, etc.

second me two stupid old grannies have turned on. Grade I remember, Saturday was even bitching but still Grandpa. But first let me just read what the second. For the first time I read maybe extra something. So the second grandma dressed me in the supermarket, I bought a few things, tomatoes, mozzarella cheese and bread. I have placed my stuff, and because someone else ahead of me, I have so looked closely and thought to myself. Suddenly as a grandfather marched in front of me, grabs a shelf dividers and is the behind my purchases and there such a Mecker noise, before he cleans up his things. I think he said something like: Can not be true. Then I hear how the Grandma complains: "What to expect This is the age You can not do anything..!" In a very derogatory tone.

I think: What? If this was now my job to be a shelf dividers to lay before his purchases?
course, if I am aware, I am often so nice to rich people to give me a shelf dividers. But it's probably really not my job to constantly look behind me, and to ensure that the people that are supplied come to me!
If I am distracted is no reason to be snide when you have to push yourself.

I also wonder why the old people young again and again Age shift. 1. Time you saw me from behind, so it was not to really say how old I am. 2. Rant about it so their grandchildren?

Matt said I should have said: Well, the old people but must also be good for something! But I've simply ignored. I'm just too nice.

third After I had been a week now pissed several times and really had no more people Bock. The animals have left me in the lurch. We thought so since some time that the cats had ear mites, possibly, for which they had had their ears schonmal and dirty. So we made the ears clean and also had the feeling it would have improved. Then came Matthew suddenly and says, these are flea bites here, on my leg. I've caught me Jack, watched by his coat and OH YES, there were flea bites. Ugh, just thinking about it makes me itch all over.
We have of course immediately the whole living room sofa and taken apart. The beds made sucked, sucked the whole living room and environment everywhere spray sprayed what to kill the critters. Then we have for so long before it aired in the apartment was freezing cold, so that everything dies. Yesterday we were with the animals at the vet, which was also confirmed: fleas, but fortunately no mites.
That was an ordeal, the cats get at all in the shipping box, so we can drive there. I look like a suicide, my arm is very scratched, and I'm only a cat forced into the shipping box. Matthias then the second.

you have stuff like that get in the neck and now act as a "flea vacuum cleaner," said the animals should all die if they go on the cats. What they have to sooner or later if they want blood. (I think: What if they'd rather go to us little people ..?) Well, we will see. Yesterday we have
then washed again permanently ceilings, all on hot wash and go. Determined 5 machines. And I'm still not finished. I also have all cats cushions and literally threw things. Then again sucked all around, and all the favorite places sprayed with spray environment.
After the vet wanted the cats but not necessarily out. And back into the living room. For suction and spraying we had still left in the boxes. After a time we have them released. But it still smelled after the spray. The Püppi then started to make noise are so strange.
It looked as if she had inhaled as deodorant and would try to get rid of the taste. Anyway, I can imagine my face so, for the deodorant with me sometimes happens ^ ^

However, of course I immediately tried it again rauszukriegen from the living room, which proved again to be impossible without injuries related. Then I've made it into the bathroom, because there we had not sprayed (they wanted to hide under the pile of laundry that had obviously been sprayed, too). I have her neat water was added to milk and even eat and what, for fear that she has since poisoned somehow. She drank a little, but was more concerned with their attempts to escape. In the end they
sat in the kitchen under a chair without a drink and waited for the time until I'm sharing the living room again.

-.- This has annoyed.

Alllleeees annoying * sigh *

More then this afternoon.

Hachja, dear diary,
that was not all of the horror week, I wanted to still continuing.

So my dear little creature sat in the living room again in the evening after her endlessly stressful day. A window was sperangelweit to ambient spray because this stuff. Besides, it was pretty cold outside and my thought was: Fleas can only die in the cold ^ ^

I am currently employed in the office and wanted to take a pen from the living room as I so see a shadow in the kitchen. Thought: ".... Hoeh, looks like a mouse must be such a moment .. the cat toy cat toy looks very different from OH MY GOD THAT is a REAL mouse!"
I sneak into the office: Matt .. I think there sits a mouse in our kitchen. He comes with and turns on the light. Joar, there she is. Or they sat, total small with black button eyes. Is of course immediately ran away. Which must be somehow climbed over the roof into the window.
I look into the living room where the cats rumschleichen like mad behind the couches and rumschreien (stupid cats, the livestock has long since fled from you in the kitchen!)

Then we still had to start the action "save" the mouse. Matt has it in a sieve and a magazine finally caught and then let out onto the roof. It was raining, so this was maybe not so nice. But better than being eaten by stupid cats.

so mean Well I'd best not be, after all this was the first mouse, they had ever seen. And she thought maybe that would be only a particularly interesting toy. This can ultimately impossible to run away without their intervention.

Yes, then that was something where I thought to myself. Oh man. What a crazy day I will always remember -.-

Friday, January 7, 2011

Knowledge About Pro Scout Rangefinders

Little Princess

this movie, I watched it when I was sick and really sad.
It's so beautiful ..

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Paty Manterola Getting Laid


I'm in love with this song ..

And since I do not like Rihanna very much I prefer this version: D

"You're so ugly when you cry Please
just cut it out..
And don't tell me you're sorry 'cause you're not
Baby when I now you're only sorry you got caught"

"But you put on quite a show
Really had me going
Now it's time to go
Curtains's finally closing
That was quite a show
very entertaining
But it's over now.."